how birth tissue helps & heals otherS

The tissue of the placenta and umbilical cord are full of special cells that stimulate healing, reduce pain, and speed up the recovery process for various medical needs, including but not limited to:

  • Difficult-to-Heal Wounds
  • Burn victims
  • Spinal Surgeries
  • Ophthalmic & Dental procedures
  • Sports Injuries

Areas of medicine currently using the regenerative medicine and therapies of placental tissue derived grafts include:

Orthopedics   I   Wound Care   I   Spine Medicine   

Urology   I   General Surgery   I   Obstetrics & Gynecology 

Ophthalmology   I   Dental   I   Plastic Surgery



  • Anti-microbial
    • Lowers the number of bacteria that can cause infections in the healing area.
  • Anti-inflammatory
    • Reduction of inflammation or swelling, in turn decreasing the pain felt in the healing transplanted area.
  • Anti-scarring
    • Less visible scar tissue creation and scarring in comparison to the transplant of tissue grafts from other sources.
  • Anti-adhesion
    • Used as a barrier during internal surgery, placental tissues reduce internal scarring, or adhesions.
  • Anti-immunogenic
    • Placental tissues lack antigens that would typically cause a recipient’s immune system to react and attack the transplanted tissue making rejection of these grafts rare.



  • Birth tissue grafts used as wound coverings or internal barriers can range in size from 15mm to 6cm x 8cm.
  • The amniotic membrane of the placenta is very thin and similar to the surface of the eye, allowing it to be used as a healing bandage in ophthalmic treatment when the surface of the eye has been injured.
  • Birth tissues used as injectable grafts release healing growth factors and other cells to signal the recipient’s body to repair the injured area through regeneration, while managing inflammation and pain.